Hand and Arm Function Among Aging [Read more]
Previous studies have examined limb-posture coordination in healthy older adults (Huang et al., 2013, 2015), proprioceptive acuity (Adamo et al., 2007; Schaap et al., 2015), including the effects of physical activity on position sense (Adamo et al., 2009), and the relationship between parietal and motor functional connections in older adults. Additionally, we are examining age-related changes in hand function and the efficacy of currently available hand assessment tools for older adults.
Hand and Arm Use Following Peripheral Injury [Read more]
Unilateral upper limb peripheral nerve injury may affect an individual's ability to appropriately control lower limb posture. We are examining balance changes in children with neonatal brachial plexus palsy (NBPP) and adults with acquired upper limb peripheral nerve injury to determine if asymmetric arm use following injury poses a challenge to postural control in these populations.
Interventions To Improve Upper Limb Function [Read more]
Previous studies examined the effectiveness of home training for upper limb function among different populations, including adults with chronic stroke (Langan et al., 2013) and cerebral palsy (Brown et al., 2010). Currently, we are exploring the feasibility of home-based training to improve upper limb function among older adults.